Hi, I'm Aman...

I create amazing web experiences for the next generation of consumer-facing companies

See My Resume



Built a landing page for Laxnar, a Lucknow based elevator control panel manufacture and whole electrical kit supplier. Successfully delivering elevator control panels north India since 2017.

  • TypeScript
  • NextJS
  • Firebase


A Ecommerce website for selling protein shakes and supplements. It is a platform where you can find the best protein shakes and supplements for your fitness journey.

  • TypeScript
  • NextJS
  • Firebase

SD Media

Built a landing page for SD Media, a dynamic company specializing in video editing and graphic design. Our passionate team transforms ideas into visually stunning realities, crafting engaging content that captures your unique essence.

  • JavaScript
  • NextJS

ITM Parampara

Built a Website and Application for our college Technical Event Fest. Website is developed using React and App is developed on cross-platform technology in Flutter.

  • React
  • Bootstrap
  • Firebase


I've worked with a range a technologies in the web development world. From Back-end To Design

  • Front-End

    Experiece with
    React, Next.js,
    Redux, RTK Query

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Node, Express.js,

  • Database

    Experience with
    MongDB, Redis,

  • Languages

    Experience with
    JavaScript, TypeScript
    Python & C++

  • UI/UX

    Experience with
    tools like Figma
    AdobeXD, Proto.io

  • Others

    Experience with
    Firebase, Heroku
    Git, Docker & AWS

About Me

A Lead Full Stack Developer Specializing in MERN/PERN stack development, where I leverage tools like Nodejs, Expressjs, Nextjs, Reactjs, Postgres, Prisma, and MongoDB to build robust, scalable, and secure web applications

Personal Achievements


Web Dev Projects


Python Projects


Coding Community

3 Star

on CodeChef

Innovating one project at a time